Safety Data Sheets / Workplace Safety Posters / HSNO Articles for Download


Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are designed to protect the health and safety of people in the workplace by providing information on the hazards of substances and how they should be safely used, stored, transported and disposed of. SDS also describe emergency procedures, such as what to do in the event of a spill or fire.

The hazardous substances regulations require that your workplace have a safety data sheet (SDS) available for each hazardous substance that is present in excess of the relevant threshold quantity. In reality, regardless of the quantities you have, it is best practice to have SDS for each hazardous substance at your site. Along with the product label, the SDS is the most important means of conveying safety information.

The seller or supplier of a hazardous substance must supply an SDS if:

  • Requested to do so;
  • The substance being sold or supplied to a workplace is above the relevant threshold quantity;
  • They had not previously supplied a SDS for that substance.

The seller or supplier is also responsible for ensuring the SDS is compliant.

Who is responsible for ensuring the SDS is compliant? The seller or supplier.

Who must ensure that SDS are present and available to workers? The person in charge of the workplace.

An SDS must be available within 10 minutes to a person handling the substance.



Our unique Approved Codes of Practice and chemical safety posters make it easy and stress-free to safely manage your workplace chemicals.

This indispensable selection includes a handy compliance checklist poster together with our ‘Storage of Hazardous Substances’ Code, displaying the essential user-friendly information you, your valued employees and customers need.

Alongside our customised Approved Handler training, this valuable set of international pictograms and labels plus a useful checklist enables you and your team to comply with workplace chemical safety responsibilities. Talk to us today about your workplace chemical safety requirements.

DOWNLOAD   Click for our FREE GHS Pictogram Poster

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Following are a range of press releases, news articles and advice relating to specific industries standards and legal updates.  All articles are available as a FREE download.


  1. Standards, Codes and Best Practice Guidelines Relating to Chemical Safety Management
  2. Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Legislation
  3. Approved Codes of Practice
  4. Standards
  5. Responsible Care New Zealand
  6. New Zealand Publications
  7. International Publications
  8. Useful Websites
  • Keeping Folks On The Farm Safe 
  • Health and Safety on the Farm 
  • Thought for the Day: Chem Safety 
  • Are You Prepared for your Chemical Emergency? 
  • Luck or Sound Management? 
  • Your Country Needs You!
  • Diversions Ahead